Whether you work with children as a carer, in the education sector, or clubs - we can help you make sure you have the correct training and qualifications.

Courses for those working with children and young adults:

  • Picture of 2 adults practising first aid with a baby  manikin

    Emergency Paediatric First Aid

    A 1 day course designed specifically for those who have responsibility for the care of children and babies. Helping you gain the confidence to manage a range of paediatric first aid situations.

  • Two people practising first aid on a child manikin

    First Aid for Schools

    A 1 day course covering the essential life-saving first aid techniques for both children and adults in the school environment.

    Content of the course will be tailored to the age of the children in your care.

  • A small child enjoying the outside environment

    Forest Schools First Aid with Paediatric Training

    A 2 day course that will provide those attending with the skills and knowledge to react to a range of emergency outdoor situations, particularly when medical help is not immediately available.